Saturday, May 21, 2005


The Lascivious Man

The authentic rugger peered at the little fellow over there, for he was petite and exquisite. A sense of urge overwhelmed the rugger, and this was something that he had never sustained before. The little fellow grinned a haunting, all-too distressingly familiar grin, the one with the flash of pearlescent teeth, the one with the dimple, the one with the charm and seductiveness. Dressed in a white coat, the little fellow seemed so captivating than ever.

The rugger swallowed his saliva. He sauntered towards the little fellow, and muttered in his usual gruff scratchy voice," Hey there, you want to go and pop some thang?"

The little fellow beamed with acknowledgement.

The rugger cupped the little fellow's cheeks and kissed as though there was no tomorrow. The rugger clenched his eyes and caressed, molested and carried on. He sweated, with the droplets splattering all over the little fellow's chest and face. Nevertheless, the little fellow did not seem to bother, and the smile on his face had not faded.

P.S. The little fellow has a nickname, sheepie.
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